When a tooth is seriously decayed or damaged, a dental filling may not be enough to effectively restore the tooth. In these cases, our experienced dentist may recommend a restoration called a dental crown. A crown, which is sometimes referred to as a cap, is a restoration designed to completely cover the damaged tooth starting at the gums. Dental crowns are custom made to precisely fit the tooth and return the tooth to its original shape, appearance, and size. Crowns are very versatile restorations and can be used to:

  • Restore significantly damaged or decayed teeth
  • Attach a dental bridge
  • Strengthen a weakened or fractured tooth
  • Support a large dental filling when little natural tooth structure remains
  • Enhance the overall appearance of your smile
  • Improve the look and function of a misshapen tooth
  • Revitalize the appearance of a severely discolored or stained tooth

Your custom dental crown in Los Alamos, New Mexico, can be made from a variety of materials, each chosen to suit your personal needs and preferences. Porcelain dental crowns are especially popular because of their tooth-colored, natural-looking appearance. For more information on dental crowns, and to set up a visit with Dr. Rachel Meyer, please call or visit our office soon. We look forward to improving your smile!