How to Care for Your Smile While You’re Sick

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Did you know that your teeth and gums can be in danger while you’re sick? Well, it’s true, unfortunately. This is why your dentist, Dr. Rachel Meyer, strongly recommends keeping your smile in mind while you go through boxes of tissues, make trips to the bathroom, and lay in bed. To help you, he encourages you to care for your smile by doing the following things:

-Clean your smile regularly by keeping up on oral hygiene. This means you need to brush, floss, and rinse regularly. After you vomit, rinse your mouth with water and avoid brushing for 30 minutes. Also, please remember to replace your toothbrush after you have been ill.

-If you have to use cough drops, use sugar-free cough drops. This is recommended because sugar-free cough drops help you just as much as sugary cough drops but they don’t promote cavity development.

-Drink plenty of liquids. Staying hydrated can help you get over your sickness quicker and it can also help you avoid having dry mouth. Dry mouth is a dental issue that promotes cavities and causes bad breath. So, make sure to drink water frequently.

To learn more about how to care for your smile when you’re sick in Los Alamos, New Mexico, please reach out to our dental team at Dr. Rachel Meyer, DDS. When you dial 505-662-3163, we will be here to help you in any way we can, so please don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!